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Knights of the Cedars

2020-2021 Board

President: Chuck Jaoude

Vice President: Dib Dib

Secretary: Elie ElMessan

Treasurer: Antoine Sater


The Knights of the Cedars is a men’s service organization dedicated to the service of Our Lady of the Cedars. The Knights assist the clergy with various liturgies and activities.

We prepare lunches and host barbecues & picnics to bring the parishioners together in an effort to enhance our Parish life, as well as to raise funds to financially contribute towards Church expenses.


The KOC regularly meet on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the Cedar Hall, during which we have fellowship and prayer time, a spiritual discussion led by Abouna, and planning of activities for the weeks to follow.

interested in joining?

Anyone interested in joining us, or finding information about our organization, can speak to any member of the Knights or email Dib Dib.


God Our Father,
By the work of your Spirit, living our hearts,
You lead everyone to desire Your perfection,
To seek for truth and to rejoice for beauty,
Enlighten and inspire all of us here today,
as Knights of the Cedars, so that in all our ideas,
decisions and undertakings,
your Holy Name be glorified,
and Your love and peace reign among us.

 We commit ourselves, with Your grace,
to serve you through our Parish Community,
in total cooperation with our spiritual leaders,
So help us God and enable us to give cheerfully, serve joyfully,
and love one another sincerely.

 We ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord,
and through the intercession of Our Lady of the Cedars,
