Parish Post
Friday, March 7, 2025
Second Sunday of Great Lent: Healing of the Leper
Daily evening mass
Tuesday through Friday
6:30 PM (English)
Saturday, march 8
6:30 PM (English)
Sunday, march 9
9:30 AM (Arabic)
11:00 AM (English) Memorial mass for Marie Fadel Saliby
friday, march 6
Stations of the Cross (PC)
Following 6:30 PM Mass
thursday, march 13
Eucharistic Adoration
7:00 PM
friday, march 14
Stations of the Cross (KOC)
Following 6:30 PM Mass
saturday, march 15
MYO Sports Event: 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
MYAP Volunteering event: 100 PM - 3:30 PM
sunday, march 16
Fish Fry
Following 11AM Mass
Leave a lasting legacy of love—order your personalized Brick of Love and have your name engraved on the Church Wall.
Registration is now closed. Please contact the parish office for more information.
Click here to view the Schedule
Parent Volunteer Opportunities
What is the Eucharistic Revival?
Our world is hurting. We all need healing, yet many of us are separated from the very source of our strength. Jesus Christ invites us to return to the source and summit of our faith in the celebration of the Eucharist. The National Eucharistic Revival is a movement to restore understanding and devotion to this great mystery here in the United States by helping us renew our worship of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist.
The MYKids is an organization for children in GRADES K-6. Our various activities take place both at Church and outside of Church to help our children build a foundation of strong relationships with each other and their parish.
In order for your child to participate in any MYKids activities, all 2024-2025 Liability Release Forms must be on file with the office.
The Maronite Youth Organization (MYO) is open to any youth currently ages 12 - 18. The members of the MYO take part in a yearly camp and a yearly retreat. In addition to the camp and retreat, members also participate in community service projects, youth trips, spiritual evenings, and many other fun, faith-filled activities.
To Chaperone this Event, please click here
The Apostolate of the Maronites Young Adults in Houston (MYA - Houston) is a spiritual, cultural, and social organization, which strives to foster unity among the Young Adults of the Maronite Catholic Church. The MYA is open to all young adults between 18 and 26 years old who are members of the Maronite Church or who believe in the values and principles of the Maronite Church.
The Apostolate of the Maronites Young Adults Professionals in Houston is a spiritual, cultural, and corporate organization, which strives to foster unity among the Young Adults of the Maronite Church. The MYA-P is open to all Maronite young adults between 26 and 39 years old.
To book the sports court at Our Lady of the Cedars, the main registrant must be a parishioner of the church. For availability and booking details, please click here
The Daughters of Mary is a group of women dedicated to the service of Our Lady Of The Cedars in many different aspects.
To book the court, the main registrant must be a parishioner at OLC.
A bi-monthly publication of Saint Maron Publications under the auspices of the Eparchy of Saint Maron of Brooklyn and Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles.
If you prefer to donate directly from your bank account, feel free to mail your check to the office, or if you prefer to set up an online draft, please email the church office, and we will provide you with the routing information necessary to complete your transaction.
Sunday Collection - March 3, 2025: $ 5,274.00
"For it is in giving that we receive. " St. Francis of Assisi